Elementary Schools
Students cohorted for all core classes and resources classes
Instructional Design:
One English Teacher & One Spanish Teacher
Two bilingual, departmentalized teachers
One bilingual, self-countained teacher
Resource classes may be taught in Spanish (if a bilingual teacher is on staff)

DL students in K-5 have access to Istation to develop and reinforce their literacy skills in Spanish. It is recommended for students to complete 20-30 minutes a week. Talk to your child's teacher about login information and of your child's progress.
866-883-READ (7323)
Web Support
Parent Portal
Parents can also login to Istation to view their child's progress and to access resources.
Parents log in with student’s account.
Parents can change the language of the site.
Parents can view student’s progress and reports.
Parents can access Istation resources such as lessons and books.
Parents can download Istation to use on computers or tablets at home.