2024-2025 Alternate Address Request
About the Alternate Address Request Process
Transportation will use the primary address in Focus to assign a bus stop.
To update that address, contact your student’s school of enrollment prior to submitting an Alternate Address Request.
Submit an alternate address request if you require a different stop/bus for your student other than the one assigned based on the primary address listed in Focus. Alternate Address requests are considered based on Transportation Policy, as referenced below.
How to Submit an Alternate Address Request
First, register your student for bus transportation by selecting “yes” on the Transportation Registration Form.
Review the transportation policy listed below to determine if your Primary Address and Alternate Address are both eligible for bus transportation. If they are not, transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
If your student is eligible, call the Transportation Department at 904-858-6200, option 1, to submit your request.
Once submitted, the request will be reviewed by the Transportation Department. If approved, the student will be assigned to a bus and the route information will be shared with the parent/guardian. Approved requests submitted by Friday, August 2, 2024, will start on Monday, August 12, 2024.
Families should only submit one request per student.
Transportation Policy
Neighborhood School Transportation
The student's address must be in the zoned attendance area.
For secondary students, the student's address must be greater than 2 miles from the school of attendance.
STO/Special Assignment
Transportation is not provided to a Special Transfer Option (STO) student; Special Transfer Options are made available to a student who wishes to attend a school other than the one in his or her attendance area. As noted on the STO application, transportation to the STO school is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Magnet Transportation
Refer to the School Choice Reference Guide.