Duval County Public Schools is proud to be an accredited member of Cognia, the world's largest non-profit accrediting organization of educational institutions. The goal of accreditation is to assist schools and systems in their continuous improvement journey. As a part of that process, educational organizations agree to be a part of a rigorous, on-site review every five years.
This site was developed to better inform the DCPS staff as well as provide information to the community at large regarding the new protocol for Cognia System Accreditation. This is the highest level of accreditation that a school system can receive from this organization, and as a district we always learn from participating in this continuous improvement process.
Currently, all Duval County Public Schools are fully accredited by Cognia. Through this long-established method of accrediting schools, individual schools are reviewed and renewed annually for accreditation eligibility.
District Accreditation, as a quality assurance process, has corroborated our district’s efforts to provide quality education for all of our students and recognize our accomplishments. We invite you to review the information on this website to become familiar with the process of quality assurance, and learn more about Duval County Public Schools.
Duval County Public Schools completed the self-study process this Fall, and welcomed a visiting committee to the district in February 2024. We would like to publicly thank all of the district employees, students, parents, and community partners who participated in this process. We would also like to thank the professional educators on the Cognia Team for their professionalism and thoroughness throughout the process.
The Cognia Global Commission met on March 28-29, 2024 and approved Duval's Accreditation Engagement Review Report. This means that the district will maintain the status of Accredited for a term of six years, as long as we maintain membership, adhere to all policies, and maintain the Standards and Assurances required for accreditation.