Our Mission:
Douglas Anderson School of the Arts will be the leading public arts high school in the nation.
Our Vision:
Where arts and academics meet in excellence.
Our Beliefs:
We believe that the arts define us.
We believe that the arts enrich all human endeavors by bridging differences among people and teaching creative and critical thinking skills.
We believe that the integration of arts and academics offers students great opportunity to succeed in post-secondary education.
We believe that creative freedom and rigorous discipline are fundamental to student success.
We believe that an environment that promotes student learning and encourages the creative process is physically, intellectually and emotionally safe.
We believe that good teaching practice recognizes and addresses the various ways by which students learn.
We believe that leadership, citizenship and ethics are a part of every student’s learning experience.
We believe that student progress should be monitored to ensure students’ personal and educational success.
We believe that periodic evaluation of our programs and policies insures that we meet the needs of our diverse student population.
We believe that cooperation and collaboration among students, parents, faculty, staff, and community are vital to the success of our school.
We believe that the audition process is fundamental to our success.