Daily car rider drop off may begin at 7:50 am, and should only be done in the parent loop off of San Diego Road in front of the Cafeteria. Student pick-up after school is in the same location from 3:25 – 3:55. Students who are in supervised activities and on campus after 4:00 must be picked up promptly at the conclusion of the activity in the parent loop.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents of the Duval County Schools’ policy regarding students that remain on campus after school. According to page two of the Student Code of Conduct:
Duval County Public School employees are not responsible for supervising students who arrive on school property 30 or more minutes before school or a school-sponsored activity is scheduled to begin. Further, Duval County Public School employees are not responsible for supervising students who remain on school property 30 or more minutes after school ends, or 30 or more minutes after a school-sponsored activity ends.
This means that students remaining on campus after 3:55pm who are not participating in a supervised after-school program will not be in an area that is supervised. We will provide supervision in the mornings beginning at 7:55 a.m. in the cafeteria ONLY. We apologize for any inconvenience this policy may cause and are happy to have further dialogue about possible solutions to any exceptions you may have.