Douglas Anderson School of the Arts utilizes an alternating A/B schedule. Each student takes eight classes, but only attends four of those classes per day. Periods 1-4 meet on A-days, and periods 5-8 meet on B-days.
Quarterly Tardy Policy
The information in this section is the quarterly policy and procedures for students who are tardy to classes. At the beginning of each quarter, the tardy policy will reset.

First block periods
1A/5B: Students arriving between 8:25 and 8:45 AM will be marked tardy in FOCUS upon entering the classroom.
Students arriving after 8:45 AM must sign in at the front office and report IMMEDIATELY to their class.
All other periods
Students should report to class after the tardy bell, and teachers will mark the student tardy in FOCUS.
Any student tardy beyond 10 minutes in periods A2, A3, A4, B6, B7, and B8 will be considered skipping resulting in a discipline referral.
Parents/guardians must submit a note to the front office for medical appointments to excuse the tardy.
Excuse notes must be submitted to front office personnel within three (3) school days of the tardy infraction.
The following consequences are based on a student being tardy to one class. If a student is tardy to multiple classes on any given day, each class will have separate documentation.
If a student is tardy to class:
1st and 2nd time: verbal warning by the teacher, and the student will be marked tardy.
3rd time: The teacher will contact the parent/guardian via FOCUS and email the administration.
4th - 5th time: The teacher will contact the parent/guardian via FOCUS and email the administration.
The teacher will write a referral.
The administration will issue an after-school detention.
6th or more times: The teacher will contact the parent/guardian via FOCUS and email the administration.
The teacher will write a referral.
The administration will initiate an attendance contract.
Additional disciplinary measures may be taken.