Q: What items do I need to bring to register my child?
A: All students entering a Duval County School for the first time will need a birth certificate, immunization record, physical, and parents/guardians will need to provide two proofs of address. For specific details about required documents please click here.
Q: Can I register my child now for next school year?
A: We are now accepting registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. Registrations for the following school year begin in May.
Q: Am I zoned for your school? Do I live in your attendance area?
A: Please use the school locator to verify which school you are zoned for. Click here for the school locator.
Q: Can my child still attend Chimney Lakes Elementary if we aren't zoned to attend there?
A: Chimney Lakes Elementary is a non-dedicated magnet school. If you do not live in our attendance area you may apply via the magnet program. Information on how to apply and magnet applications can be found on the DCPS School Choice/Magnet page.
Q: What is your magnet program?
A: Our magnet program is International Studies. Each grade level has a continent that they study throughout the year. Each May we hold an International Fair Day where the students get to "travel" around the world getting their passport stamped, sample foods from around the world, and will learn about different countries and cultures from various presenters and performers.
Q: My child was accepted as a Magnet student. Do we still need to come register at the school?
A: Yes, once you have received notification from the Magnet/School Choice office you still need to fill out a registration packet and provide copies of the student's birth certificate, immunization record, and physical.
Q: Do students at Chimney Lakes Elementary wear uniforms?
A: No, our students are not required to wear uniforms. Our students follow the DCPS Dress Code Policies
Q: Do you have Extended Day?
A: Yes, we have morning and afternoon care. Please visit our Extended Day page for more information.
Q: Do you have bus transportation to your school?
A: Yes, Duval county does offer bus transportation. Visit the DCPS Transportation page to view the current bus routes. Bus Routes for the next school year are usually published at the beginning of August each year. All students are required to sign up for the bus on the parent's FOCUS page.
Q: Where can I get my child's immunizations and physicals completed for school?
A: Immunizations and physicals are available from your doctor. If you don't have a doctor, immunizations are available from the Health Department and physicals can be obtained at most walk-in clinics.