As a school community, our mission is for all students to graduate with a plan to pursue college, career, or military service, and to graduate with all the knowledge, skills, and habits necessary to be successful with that plan. This is what we mean by "All Means All".
Our Vision
We provide opportunity for all students. We balance student test scores, course grades, and post-secondary plans in providing all students with access to challenging courses. We work like effort creates ability. We embrace a growth mindset with all students in their academics, their athletics, and their social-emotional development. With effort, we can all improve. We will prove our mastery in everything we learn. We will equip all students to achieve their dreams. We don't decide a student's future, no matter how difficult the dream is to accomplish. We are here to guide them to achieve their dream. We handle ourselves like we are family. As a school community, every adult involved in our students' lives is called to encourage, equip, and engage so that all students may discover their own purpose in life. This is what we mean by "All Means All".